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8 January 2005
Prehistoric potteries discovered in Syria

Dutch Archeologists unearthed unique samples of clay potteries at the archeological site of  Tel Abyad, north of Syria. During the excavations, the Dutch team discovered scores of potteries and jars that date back to 6800-6300 BCE, when inhabitants left their villages due to the world drastic climate changes at that period. The team also excavated a clay vessel which is considered the oldest pottery in the Near East, dating back to 6100 BCE at the time when inhabitants of Tel Abyad site left the area because of the changes in late 7000 BCE due to the cold water coming from North America that drowned the region.
     The team also excavated 37 clay tablets which date back to 1200 BCE at the time when the Assyrians built an important defence fort along the borders. The discovered cuneiform writing engraved on the mud tablets indicate that the fortress had a very important political role in the region.

Source: Sana.org (3 January 2005)

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