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24 April 2005
Neolithic burial site unearthed in Slovak Republic

An ancient burial ground has been discovered at a building site near Levice city centre (Slovak Republic), where a new shopping centre will be built. Marián Samuel from the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, said that the most precious find of the Neolithic settlement is a skeleton of what they believe was a 40-year-old woman buried in a squatting position. The site is believed to date back to between the 5th and 4th millennium BCE.  In the Celtic graves, which date back to the end of the 3rd and the 2nd centuries BCE, the archaeologists found many well preserved decorated pots, and various iron and bronze jewels. In the grave of a warrior, they found a sword and a spear.  Samuel said that these were the first such findings in Levice.

Source: The Slovak Spectator (19 April 2005)

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