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15 February 2009
The Invisible Stone Circle: To See or Not to See

A lecture by renowned archaeologist Aubrey Burl will be held at the Wiltshire Heritage Museum on Saturday 21 March 2009. The lecture focuses on the stone circles in the British Isles. Every year hundreds of thousands of people visit them. Sometimes there is a sign, usually uninformative, occasionally inaccurate. There may be stones in a ring, tall stones, small stones, fallen stones - but nothing else. Just silence. Yet, it is untrue. The stones tell their own story, unshaped but intentionally chosen to record the beliefs of the people who erected them. The stones are the literature distant, illiterate people left for us to read. One stone circle shows how it can be read
     A member of the Society, Aubrey Burl was at one time Britain's best selling archaeological author. His books on Stone Circles have been published and reprinted in many editions (with slight variations of title), and he is well known for challenging the theory that the bluestones were brought to Stonehenge from Preseli by man and has written extensively too on Avebury. For many years as principal lecturer in archaeology at Hull, he now works as an archaeological consultant and writer.
     Booking: Recommended. Contact the Bookings Secretary on 01380 727369, or send an e-mail to wanhs@wiltshireheritage.org.uk. Cost: £4.00 (£3.00 for WANHS members).

Source: Wiltshire Heritage (February 2009)

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