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26 May 2012
Sussex Bronze Age monument under threat

Fears have been raised by heritage campaigners in Sussex (England) that the proposed route for power cables from a new wind farm, passing through the South Downs National Park, may damage a site which has been designated as a 'Scheduled Ancient Monument'. The monument, dating back to 2,000 BCE, is actually a rare example of a cross dyke. The route proposed by E.ON (the energy company that is generating the electrical power) will pass under the monument on its way from an off shore wind farm to a sub-station inland at Bolney. Doubts have been raised over the validity of a recent public consultation due to the absence of an Environmental Impact Assessment.
     A spokesman for English Heritage is quoted as saying (of the cross dyke site) "Very few have survived to the present day and hence all well preserved examples are considered to be of national importance". In reply, a spokesperson for E.ON is quoted as saying "We are doing everything we can to ensure the cable crosses in an acceptable way and has minimum impact on the area. The disturbance should be as little as possible".

Edited from The Argus (21 May 2012)

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